Our nonprofit engagements are at the heart of our impact at SVP. We come alongside nonprofits in a unique alliance that enables them to tackle organizational challenges and improve their results. We use a tried-and-true approach to support our Partners and position teams for success.
We schedule 45-minute screening meetings with organizations that are interested in exploring a consulting engagement. For those organizations whose support area needs are a fit with SVP, we will move to the next step of placement.
Our engagements get underway with 90-minute Kickoff Meetings, which include SVP team members and key nonprofit staff. This is the first step in developing the Scope of Support that will describe our intended work together.
At the close of our engagements, we collect feedback and write an internal Impact Statement and blog post that we share to our website and social media.
SVP sources nonprofit engagements twice yearly (fall and spring) through an open call to San Diego nonprofits to request a pro bono consulting team. We seek partnerships with nonprofits at an inflection point where SVP can have the most impact.
We endeavor to place a team of Partners to support selected nonprofits. Teams are placed by matching interest and skills with the nonprofit's support area needs.
SVP staff support our Partners with subject area training and ample resources to set our nonprofit teams up for success. The nonprofit meets regularly with its SVP team with dedicated staff time to the agreed-upon project deliverables between meetings. Engagements typically conclude in five to eight months