Richard Bockoff has lived in Del Mar for 20 years and has always been an active volunteer. In Michigan, Bockoff was President of Variety, the Children’s Charity and chaired the “Bikes For Kids” Radiothon.
Since joining SVP, Bockoff has been on the board, chaired several committees, participated with resource teams and volunteered as a Lead Partner. He was also on the board at Tender Loving Canines and served as the Board Chair of PAWS San Diego. While serving as board chair at PAWS, the organization merged with the San Diego Humane Society. Bockoff is now on the boards of the San Diego Humane Society and the Del Mar Community foundation. He also serves on the Del Mar Foundation grants committee.
Bockoff attended the University of Michigan as undergrad and went to Wayne State University Law School. Before heading west from Birmingham, Michigan, he practiced law in his own firm.
Bockoff and his wife enjoy being active, working out, walking the dogs and playing golf. They have three grown daughters and three grandchildren - and two dogs, Walter and Sophie.